27 April 2009

Forest-floor flowers

It was one of those strange late-April days when a slow spring suddenly plunges into full summer. We had to wind up the greenhouse walls a bit, to bring the temperature down, as it was hitting 32°C (90°F) in there at midday. The children were off school for the day, so in the afternoon we took them and the dog on an excursion to the Macaulay Mountain conservation area, just outside Picton. There are trails through a steep, densely-wooded hillside (although they aren't terribly well signed and we managed to get lost towards the end!). There weren't many leaves out yet, as you can see in this photo of a Trout lily (Erythronium americanum): There were quite a few Trout lilies and a number of flowers that I confidently told everyone else were anemones: It was only when I got home and started looking them up that I realised that these little flowers are called hepaticas (Hepatica americana). Then I discovered that there are botanists who think that hepaticas should really be reclassified as anemones. So perhaps it doesn't matter too much what they're called. They were very beautiful, either way!


easygardener said...

I'm sure the family were thoroughly convinced by your confidence on the matter. That botanists are also confused only boosts your credibility :-)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hey Amanda ! .. You are some where close to Kingston I am thinking if in Prince Edward county ? Same grow zone ? 5b ?
We had that HOT weather here and I was useless .. too hot too soon !
Love the pictures of the flowers : )
I love wild flowers .. I had red and white Trillium here but they have disappeared .. not sure what happened.
Looks like you are going to have lots of plants this year with that green house going ! : )