I've had a camera with a fireworks setting on it for a while now, but I've never had a chance to try it out, because we've not been to see any displays since we moved to Canada. As this was our fifth Canada Day, this is possibly a shocking confession. Fireworks are as integral to Canada Day as they are to Independence Day in the US or Bonfire/Guy Fawkes Night in the UK.
Part of the problem is the time of year: it doesn't get properly dark until 10pm, which makes it a late event when you've got kids. Not something that was ever a problem with Bonfire Night in November, when it is dark in Manchester by 5.30pm. This is the first year that we've thought the children might actually stay awake to see the show. We went to Picton, where the hill at Delhi Park makes a natural amphitheatre: a perfect viewing spot. It was an impressive event.
The pictures I took aren't what I'd call classic firework shots, but I was pleased with the results, anyway.
This one is of two sparklers that some children near us were waving around:
The rest are the fireworks. The last one looks like those weird deep-sea creatures that never see daylight, I think.
Next year, I'll take something to sit on: it's surprising how cold and damp the grass can get after a hot day!
P.S. Realised after posting that this day marks the fifth anniversary of blogging in 'Someone Else's Kitchen'. So all the more reason to celebrate!