21 December 2012

Yule harvest

As forecast, the weather has turned wintry today, with heavy overnight rain turning into snow this morning. I decided I'd better harvest my last remaining outdoor lettuces, parsnips and some of the spinach. It made a good haul, with nearly a pound of lettuce in all:

We'll still be getting carrots, parsley, sage, spinach and kale from the greenhouse during the rest of the winter, but I expect this will be the last harvest from the vegetable garden. Not that I can complain about picking lettuces on the shortest day of the year!


Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

We have rain. And more rain. And rain flowing out of the banks and over the paths. And more rain!

Hope you have a very happy Christmas, Amanda - and best wishes for a wonderful (and growing!) 2013.


Amanda said...

Hope things dry out a bit for you, Lucy!

Happy Christmas and all the best to you and yours for 2013,
