I'm conscious that it's been a bit quiet on this blog for a few weeks. Mainly this is because this is such a busy time of year in the garden. I've been sowing and planting and weeding like a possessed thing - and the weeds are still winning.
We had some welcome rain on Tuesday. I didn't really get dry all day, but that was my fault for spending far too long trying to get photos of flowers bedecked with raindrops.
The greenhouse beds are mostly under control and producing tremendous quantities of dill, coriander/cilantro and lettuce leaves.
The potatoes popped up overnight. I've got some in the greenhouse because I had too many for my potato bed.
As usual, I have vast quantities of tomato plants. I sold about a third of what I grew. I planted about 20 plants in the greenhouse a few weeks ago and finally finished planting the remainder outside this week. The greenhouse ones are starting to flower now. I still have about ten jars of tomato sauce from last year, so with any luck I will run out just as I start to pick this year's crop.
Rabbits have been a huge problem this year - my outside peas and cabbage crops have all been pretty much wiped out by the blighters. They also destroyed most of the apple trees this winter: the snow was so deep that they were able to gnaw the bark above the tree protectors. My orchard doesn't really deserve the name any more. :-(
16 hours ago
1 comment:
So sad about your trees. We had more damage, nibbling and girdling, to our trees than I've ever seen before too. I put it down to mice and squirrels rather than rabbits. Just haven't seen any sign of hippy hops around here (yet).
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