Inside the house we'd been left with a strange assortment of things - two sets of curling tongs and a packet of cous-cous, for example. There is a small fridge, complete with dodgy-looking portions of processed cheese and a very iced-up ice box. In the basement there's a lovely big chest freezer, which needs a clean, but will be great for all those vegetables I'm planning on growing next year.
Getting the electricity supply transferred into our names was pretty quick, but getting a phone line took ages as the previous occupants hadn't cancelled their one. But we got there in the end, and by next Monday we should have high-speed internet to the house too.
Next stage is ordering some beds, so that we can actually move into the house properly. We're still in the cottage we rented in April for the time being.
One of the other things we did today was to enrol the kids in their school. The school secretary showed us around and introduced the children to their new classmates. We registered them so that they would be collected by a school bus and signed them up to go to school from next week. It's the last week of school before the summer break, so it shouldn't be too onerous for them. The school covers the grades between kindergarten and grade 8, so the children will be there for a few years yet. It's got an impressive amount of green space around it and its own soccer pitches, gym and science lab - none of which their previous school in south Manchester could boast.
We also swapped our UK driving licences for Ontario ones. That was straight-forward, although the sight test was a bit scary - even with my new glasses, the second set of numbers I had to read were teeny-tiny. There's no way I'd have seen them without my specs.
It's been quite hot and humid today and it is now raining and thundering outside. Yesterday was hot and sunny too, but there has been a nice breeze off the lake which has taken the edge off the temperature.
We've only been here 48 hours but it feels like we've achieved an awful lot in that time. Only trouble is that the 'to do' list is still growing - even faster than the grass on the farm.
1 comment:
How lovely to hear you are there and have your new house to look forward to moving into. Does it feel real yet?! Jackie (Carter)
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