I spent a companionable hour this afternoon in the sunshine on the front steps with my mother-in-law, potting on the tomato seedlings into their own pots.I now realise that I've got far too many of the Riesentraube variety, so may have to find new homes for some of those.

Peppers (Corno di Toro Rosso), aubergines/eggplants (Ping Tung) and chilies (Hungarian Hot Wax - which sounds like something you could opt for at a beauty salon to me) are coming up in the propagator now and will need potting-on themselves before too long. I'm running out of space to put the pots!

Amanda, I run a group called Quinte Green Thumbs and if you can't find homes for all your tomato plants you can offer to give them away or trade them with other gardeners in our area.
Haven't seen scillas since they grew in our orchard in our garden when I was growing up in Essex.
We had a wonderful photo of an empty path winding its way through the carpet of blue.
It was the route my father had taken to the bonfire in the autumn.
Shows what damage you can do to under-the-ground bulbs if you step on them at the wrong moment!
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