So without the requisite quantity of golden syrup a bit of improvisation was required. The tart has a plain shortcrust pastry case (in a 10-inch/25cm flan dish) and I made the filling with:
- breadcrumbs (made from four generously-cut slices of half-wholemeal bread)
- my 250ml jar of golden syrup (which I didn't weigh, but guess to be around 10 ounces of syrup?)
- grated rind of two lemons
- two eggs
- enough maple syrup to make a thick, gloopy, mixture (about 100ml)
I didn't bake the pastry case before cooking it, although you could. Just prick the base all over with a fork and pour in the filling. I had plenty of pastry left over, so made an agrestic lattice pattern over the top of the tart, which was then baked at 350°F/180°C for 50 minutes and allowed to cool off slightly before serving.
This quantity would give eight people a decent-sized slice each. You need something cold to serve with it - double cream or crème fraîche (or a mixture) would be great. We used up a tub of decent vanilla ice-cream.
*So I'm not cooking in anyone's kitchen at the moment, which is even harder than cooking in someone else's.
Okay, I'll bite: what IS golden syrup?
For that matter, what is treacle? I've been wondering my whole life--or at least ever since I first encountered "treacle pudding" in some children's book--Winnie the Pooh?
And by the way--have you tried organic cream? Once I'd tasted cream in England, everything here tasted like it came out of a tin. Until I tried organic whipping cream. Wow. It whips in half the time, and it's--it's--it's--I don't want to go overboard here, but it's almost like Devonshire cream. I don't buy anything else now.
Hi Kate
Golden syrup is a by-product of the sugar-cane refining process. According to Wikipedia it was invented in 1883. It's sticky, very sweet and a key ingredient in many British dishes (flapjack, treacle tart, treacle sponge pudding). Treacle is usually darker and a bit more bitter than golden syrup, but it's also a by-product of sugar refining.
Treacle pudding is a steamed sponge pudding (eggs/flour/butter) which has a couple of spoonfuls of golden syrup in the base of the pudding basin, so when you invert the finished pudding onto a serving dish, you end up with syrupy juices soaking into the sponge. Very yummy. The queen of British puddings, Delia Smith, has a great recipe for it, which uses both golden syrup and black treacle. I think you could probably use corn syrup and molasses to get much the same result.
I haven't seen organic cream here - but I'd buy it in a trice if I did!
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