Yesterday's attempt was pumpkin bread. But such is his aversion, that I cunningly informed the children that the dish was known as 'Autumn Loaf'. We all tucked into the bread and everyone agreed that it tasted fine. Child #2 happened to be sitting next to the recipe print-out and I (stupidly) pointed it out to him before offering another slice of the loaf.
"No, I don't like pumpkin."
"But you liked the first slice."
"I'm not eating it - it's got pumpkin in it."
And that was it, he utterly refused to eat it any more, despite our remonstrances.
I wanted to give both the children a slice of the bread for their packed lunches this morning. The conversation with Child #2 went like this.
"You liked that Autumn Loaf I made yesterday didn't you?"
"Would you like a slice of it in your packed lunch?"
"Yes, please. It isn't pumpkin bread?"
"No, just full of crushed up autumn leaves. Is that OK?"
"Yes, that's fine."
And I got a big hug in return for my blatant lie.
D'you think he's going to have big therapy bills in the future?
Oh the multi-skills a mother has to have! You're very good at child psychology aren't you?
This made me laugh - a lot :)
Crushed autumn leaves - I like that - so much tastier than pumpkin obviously.
I hope you post lots of recipes I've got lots of pumpkin. I only made a sweet pumpkin pie once and found it rather dull. Perhaps I should try it again.
LOL, the things we do to appease our kids. :) My younger daughter would never eat anything brown when she was little -- baked beans, wieners, bologna (chocolate not withstanding) -- and still won't. :) She's 25!
Big therapy bills? Huge. But oh well.
This reminds me of saying things like, "and one for Jimmy, and one for Alice, but none for Pete, of course, and--why? Because you don't like it. Oh, you do? Well, if you're sure."
Oh dear, oh dear.
I don't like pumpkin either but I would be up for your Autumn Bread -crushed leaves sounds just fine to me.
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