28 July 2009

Could it be?

I've been watching other people's reports of tomato harvests with envy and have been grumbling about the way my tomatoes have remained stubbornly green, despite my lavishing them with water, food (lovely worm tea) and a roof over their heads. At last it seems that one of the greenhouse Black Cherry tomatoes has been embarrassed into producing a slight blush. And about time too.


Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Is always a long wait to get the first blush ... haha. Soon, there will be more!!!

Have a good tomato harvest,
~ bangchik

Sarah said...

We too finally have two reddish cherry tomatoes, and an orange beef tomato - looks like we're about even there. We do use a lot of courgettes, planning on freezing the excess. Can't beat your four cobs though - most of ours have two - waiting for them to mature now. Could do with some sun, the UK is due biblical rain tomorrow!

Daphne said...

Wonderful. My Black Cherry isn't blushing yet. It and Miracle of the Market are my two holdouts. Hopefully soon.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Now you will be totally inundated with the largest tomato harvest you have ever had, and all at once too. Marvelous! :)

June said...

And blush she should! It's about time. Enjoy!!!

easygardener said...

Mine are taking ages too. Luckily I grow Sungold which is very early and keeps us going till the others get a move on.