01 July 2009

Growth spurts

The way things grow at this time of year staggers me. In the greenhouse, the tomatoes looked ridiculous on the 18th of May, when they were dwarfed by the long stakes I had planted them next to.

Now they don't look quite so stupid and I'm thinking that I planted them much too close together!

On the same day in May the chicks looked like this:

Now they're looking a lot more like hens:


Anonymous said...

That is so funny. I did exactly the same thing with my tomatoes and ended up with a tomato jungle and lost a lot of fruit as a result. I am awful at estimating how big plants will get.

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

I love the sight of tomatoes... The distance is about right.... People are telling good stories of using red stakes or anything red at all, that somehow produce better tomatoes..

~ bangchik

Heather said...

Wow- it all looks great! I am impressed with the growth and the chicks look great~

Karen - An Artists Garden said...

Impressive tomatoes .... and chicks!

easygardener said...

Both are growing well though I think the tomatoes have the edge! I plant mine fairly close and depend on the coloured fruit to show themselves through the foliage. Works fine unless I'm growing a green variety.