With the seed trays that had been in the box removed, she managed to jump out, but left the poor baby behind.

I tipped it out onto the greenhouse floor, but don't have a lot of hope that she'll come back for it.
I think she was a deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). According to Wikipedia they normally have litters of around four young, so I'm hoping that she's got a nest somewhere where she can give birth to the other babies in a more private setting. What with this and the mole nest I disturbed in April, I'm beginning to get a bit nervous about doing any tidying-up in the garden.
Oh, how terrible. What a sweet face she has. It's not my favorite thing to mix with mice, but this makes me feel just awful. Poor you.
Oh Amanda, how sweet, and how sad too! You are a magnet for nature I think.
We just had the same thing happen yesterday. Hubby disturbed a nest of newborn deer mice when he was cutting wood. By the end of the day momma mouse had not returned and the babies were getting very cold. I grabbed the 4 of them and now they are being fed and cleaned every 3-4 hours by me. They made it through the night so that is a good sign.
Oh dear, Jan, sounds as though you've lumbered yourself with quite a difficult job there! I hope the babies are almost fully grown and will be off your hands before too long. I admire your perseverance.
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