03 August 2009

Yes! We have some tomatoes

Happily joining the ranks of those with some tomatoes to show off. These are a mix of Black Cherry, Velvet Red and Principe Borghese. These all came from seeds exchanged with Ottawa Gardener in the winter.


Heather said...

Congrats~ I ate my first one on my camping trip! It was sure yummy. They always are after such a long wait:-D

Daphne said...

Oh those look wonderful. Black cherry is one of my favorite tomatoes. Mine isn't ripe quite yet, but I see it start to blush so I'll be eating them soon. I'm growing some Ottawa Gardener seeds too, but mine are dried beans. They seem to be doing quite well right now but the harvest won't come for quite a while.

easygardener said...

Yes mine having started coming too. Always a high spot in the year!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations, and may you soon have many more.

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

Wonderful tomatoes ... now I am thinking of growing tomato soon!!

LittleGreenFingers said...

Hmmm... here in the UK mine are all stubbornly remaining green. Is this one of the reasons you left blighty?

Dan said...

Your tomatoes are just beautiful!

June said...

Oh, lovely! And now you're WAY ahead of me on ripe tomatoes. ENJOY!!!

Helen said...

These all look lovely. Are most of them heirloom varieties? I was just reading some of these names in the online seed catalog for Terra Edibles, who specialize in heirloom varieties.

Amanda said...

Thanks everyone! Yes, the chance of getting ripe tomatoes every year instead of one in four was a factor in our move to this part of the world. ;-)

And yes, Helen, these are heirloom tomatoes, so I should be able to save seed from them all for next year.